Lexique bilingue des termes techniques de l'aquarelle
Voici un petit lexique « Français Anglais » et « Anglais Français »des termes assez souvent utilisés lorsque l’on pratique de l'aquarelle. Outre, les termes spécifiques à la pratique de cette technique, sont repris un certain nombre de mots du langage courant que l'on rencontre souvent dans les , pas à pas, les cours, les ouvrages en langue anglaise, les sites internet.

For our English speaking visitors, here is a short French-English / English-French glossary of terms used in books, step-by-step demos and lessons related to watercolor. In addition, we have included a few words from everyday language which are often used within this context.

Français-anglais / French to English

Acide (sans) = acide free
Adhésif à masquer = Masking tape
Adoucir = (to) Soften
Agrafe = Staple
Agrafeuse = Stapler
Aile = Wing
Aplat = Flat wash
Aplatir = Flatten (to)
Appareil photo = Camera
Aquarelle = Watercolor ( GB :  Watercolour)
Arrière-plan = Background
Auréole = Blotch, backrun
©masmoulin2008 2
Blanc de titane = Titanium white
Blanc de zinc = China white
Bleu de Prusse = Prussian blue
Bleu profond = Deep blue
Bosquet = Clump
Boueux = Muddy
Bougie = Candle
Bouquet = Flower arrangement
Bout carré = Square end
Brin (d'herbe) = blade (of grass)
Brindille = Twig
Brosse = Brush
Brosse à pochoir = Stencilling brush
Brosse plate = Flat brush
Brosse sèche = Dry brush
Brosse à dents = Toothbrush
Brosser à sec = dry brush
Brou de noix = Husk (of a nut)
Brume = Mist
Buvard = Blotting paper
Cadre = Frame
Carnet de croquis = Sketchbook
Cerne = Backrun
Céruléen = Cerulean
Chair = Flesh
Châssis = Chassis
Chevalet = Easel
Cire = Wax
Clair obscur = chiaroscuro
Contour = Outline, edge
Contrejour = Backlighting
Coton-tige = Cotton swab
Couche = Layer
Coucher de soleil = Sunset
Couleur complémentaire = complementary color
Couleur fragmentée ou rompue = Broken color
Couleur opaque = Body colour
Couleur primaire = Primary color
Coup de pinceau = Brush stroke
Couleur secondaire = secondary color
Cramoisi = Crimson
Crayeux = Chalky
Crayons aquarellables = Watercolor crayons
Crayon de charpentier = Carpenter pencil
Croquis = Sketch
Croquis d'après nature = Sketching from life
Croquis sur le vif = On the spot sketch
Cutter = Art knife
Déformé (papier) = Buckled
Dégradé = Gradated
Demi-teinte = Medium
Dessin = Drawing
Dessin au pinceau = Brush drawing
Dessin préliminaire = Underdrawing
Dessiner = (to)Draw
Diffus = Diffused
Dilué = Thinned, diluted
Doux = Soft
Eclaboussure = Spatter
Ecorce = Bark
Ecume = Foam
Effacer = Erase (to)
Effet = Effect
Effilé = Spiky
Empâtement = Impasto
Emplacement = Spot
Empreinte = Imprint
En extérieur = Outdoors
Encre = Ink
Epais = Thick
Epaissir = Thicken (to)
Eponge = Sponge
Eponge végétale = Natural sponge
Equilibre = Balance
Esquisse = Sketch
Essuyer = Wipe (to)
Etamine = Stamen
Etude = Study
Face (de) = From straight on, in front
Faïence = Crockery
Falaise = Cliff
Feuillage = Foliage
Filigrane = Watermark
Fin = Thin
Fixateur = Fixative
Flou = Blurred
Fond = Ground, background
Fond teinté = Toned ground
©masmoulin2008 4
Fondu = Blending
Forme = Shape
Fragmenter (une couleur) = To break up a color
Froissé = Crumpled
Frottis = Scumbling
Fusain = Charcoal
Gaufré = Embossed
Glacis = Glazing
Gomme = Eraser
Gomme à masquer = Liquid mask
Gomme arabique = Gum arabic
Gomme mie de pain = Putty rubber
Gondolé = Buckled
Gouache = Gouache
Gouttelette = Droplet
Granuleux = Granular
Grattage = Scraping
Gravure = Etching
Gribouillis = Doodle
Griffonnage = Scribble
Grisaille = Light gray
Hachures = Cross-hatching
Herbe = Grass
Herbier = Herbal
Humide = Damp
Humidifié = Dampened
Imprégner = (to) Seep into
Indélébile = Waterproof
Irrégulier = Ragged
Jaune citron = Lemon yellow
Joncs = Rushes
Jonquille = Daffodil
Laiteux = Milky
Lame = Blade
Large = Broad
Laver (une couleur) = (to)Wash off (a color)
Lavis = Wash
Lavis sur trait = Line and wash
Liant = Binder
Lignes fuyantes = Converging parallels
Lisse = smooth
Lointain = Distant
Lumière = Light
Lumineux = Bright
Lys = Lily
Marbré = Marbled
Marine = Seascape
Martre = Sable
Masquage = Masking
Mettre en valeur = (to) Emphasize
Mise au carreau = Squaring up
Monochrome = Monochromatic
Motif = Pattern
Moucheté = Mottled
Mouette = Seagull
Mouillé = Wet
Mouillé sur mouillé = Wet in wet
Mouillé sur sec = Wet on dry
Nacré = Pearly
Nature morte = Still life
Négatif = Negative
Net = Crisp
Oblique = Slanting
Observer = (to) Watch
Ocre = Ochre
Ombrage = Shading
Ombre = Shadow, shade
Ombre portée = Cast shadow
Ondoyant = Curving
Outremer = Ultramarine
Papier buvard = Blotting paper
Papier calque = Tracing paper
Papier de riz = Rice paper
Papier gommé = Masking paper
Papier pressé à chaud = Hot pressed paper
Papier pressé à froid = Cold pressed paper
Papier torchon = Rag paper
Papier velin = Wove paper
Paraffine = Paraffin
Pas à pas = Step by step
Pastel à l’huile = Oil pastel
Pastel aquarellables = Watercolor pastel
Pastel tendre = Soft pastel
Paysage = Landscape
Paysage urbain = Cityscape or Urban Landscape
Peinture sous-jacente = Underpainting
Personnage = Figure
Perspective atmosphérique = atmostpheric perspective
Petit trait = Dash
Pinceau = Brush
Planche à dessin = Drawing board
Plume (à écrire) = Pen
Plume (d'oiseau) = Feather
Point = Dot
Point de fuite = Vanishing point
Point de vue = Viewpoint
Pointe (de pinceau) = Tip
Pointillés = Stippling
Premier plan = Foreground
Profondeur = Depth, recession
Progressif = Gradual
Projection = Spattering
Punaise = Thumbtack
Rafale (de pluie)= Squall (of rain)
Raide = Stiff
Retardateur = Retarding medium
Rayon (de soleil) = Shaft
Reflet = Reflection
Règle = Ruler
Rehaut = highlight
Renforcer = (to) Strengthen
Repérage = Reconnaissance
Réserve = Reserving
Réserve à la cire = Wax resist
Résistant = Permanent
Ressortir = Stand out (to)
Retardateur = Retarding medium
Retrait = Lifting out
Rive = Bank
Roseaux = Reeds
Ruban adhésif = Adhesive tape
Ruban gommé = Gummed tape
Rugueux = Rough
S'étaler = (to) Spread
Savon = Soap
Sec = Dry
Sèche-cheveux = Hairdryer or Blow Dryer (Séchoir à cheveux)
©masmoulin2008 7
Sel = Salt
Sens = Direction
Silhouette = Figure
Soie de porc = Bristle
souffler = (to) Blow
Step by step = Pas à pas
Strie = Striation
Stylo feutre = Felt-tipped pen
Superposer = Overpaint (to), overlay (to)
Sur le motif = On the spot
Tache = Blot
Tache de couleur = Staining color
Tamponner = (to)Dab
Techniques mixtes = Mixed media
Teinte = Tone or Hue
Teinté = Toned
Tendre = Soft
Tendre le papier = (to) Stretch the paper
Térébenthine = Turpentine
Terne = Dull
Terre d'Ombre brûlée = Burnt Umber
Terre d'Ombre naturelle = Raw Umber
Terre de Sienne brûlée = Burnt Sienna
Terre de Sienne naturelle = Raw Sienna
Tige = Stem
Touche = Dab, brushmark
Trace = Mark
Trait = Line
Transparent = Transparent
Tremper = (to) Soak
Uniforme = Flat
Vernis = Varnish
Vert émeraude = Emerald, viridian green
Vert phthalocyanine = Phthalocyanine green
Vert sève = Sap green
Vif = Vivid
Virole = ferrule
Voile = Wash
Vrille = Tendril
W – Z
White spirit = Paint thinner
Zone = Area

Anglais-français / English to French

Area = Zone
Art knife = Cutter
Atmospheric perspective = perspective athmosphérique
Background = Arrière-plan
Backlighting = Contrejour
Backrun = Cerne
Balance = Equilibre
Bank = Rive
Bark = Ecorce
Binder = Liant
Blade = Lame
Blade (grass) = Brin d'herbe
Blending = Fondu
Blot = Tache
Blotch, backrun = Auréole
Blotting paper = Papier buvard
Blow (to) = Souffler
Blow Dryer = Séchoir à cheveux
Blurred = Flou
Body colour = Couleur opaque
Bright = Lumineux
Bristle = Soie de porc
Broad = Large
Broken color = Couleur fragmentée
Brush = Brosse
Brush = Pinceau
Brush drawing = Dessin au pinceau
Brush stroke = Coup de pinceau
Buckled = Déformé (papier)
Buckled = Gondolé
Burnt Sienna = Terre de Sienne brûlée
Burnt Umber = Terre d'Ombre brûlée
Camera = Appareil photo
Candle = Bougie
Cast shadow = Ombre portée
Cerulean = Céruléen
Chalky = Crayeux
Charcoal = Fusain – Charbon de bois
Chassis = Châssis
Complementary color = couleur complémentaire
Craie = Chalk
Chiaroscuro = Clair obscur
China white = Blanc de zinc
Cityscape = Paysage urbain
Cliff = Falaise
Clump = Bosquet
Cold pressed paper = papier pressé à froid
Converging parallels = Lignes fuyantes
Cotton swab = Coton-tige
Crimson = Cramoisi
Crisp = Net
Crockery = Faïence
Cross-hatching = Hachures
Crumpled = Froissé
Curving = Ondoyant
Dab (to) = Tamponner
Dab, brushmark = Touche
Daffodil = Jonquille
Damp = Humide
Dampened = Humidifié
Dash = Petit trait
Deep blue = Bleu profond
Depth, recession = Profondeur
Diffused = Diffus
Direction = Sens
Distant = Lointain
Doodle = Gribouillis
Dot = Point
Draw (to) = Dessiner
Drawing = Dessin
Drawing board = Planche à dessin
Drizzle = Crachin
Droplet = Gouttelette
Dry = Sec
Dry brush (to) = Brosser à sèc
Dull = Terne
Easel = Chevalet
Effect = Effet
Embossed = Gaufré
Emerald, viridian green = Vert émeraude
Emphasize (to) = Mettre en valeur
Encre de chine = Indian Ink
Erase (to) = Effacer
Eraser = Gomme
Etching = Gravure
Feather = Plume (d'oiseau)
Feathery = Duveteux
Felt-tipped pen = Stylo feutre
Ferrule = Virole
Figure = Personnage
Figure = Silhouette
Fixative = Fixateur
Flat = Uniforme
Flat brush = Brosse plate
Flat wash = Aplat
Flatten (to) = Aplatir
Fleeting, shimmering = Chatoyant
Flesh = Chair
Foam = Ecume
Foliage = Feuillage
Foreground = Premier plan
Frame = Cadre
From straight on, in front = Face (de)
Glazing = Glacis
Gouache = Gouache
Gradated = Dégradé
Gradual = Progressif
Granular = Granuleux
Grass = Herbe
Ground, background = Fond
Gum arabic = Gomme arabique
Gummed tape = Ruban gommé
Hairdryer = Sèche-cheveux
Hard edge = Contour dur
Herbal = Herbier
Highlight = Rehaut
Hue = Teinte
Husk (of an nut) = Brou de noix
Impasto = Empâtement
Imprint = Empreinte
Indian Ink = Encre de Chine
Ink = Encre
Jagged = Déchiqueté
Landscape = Paysage
Layer = Couche
Lemon yellow = Jaune citron
Lens = Objectif
Lifting out = Retrait
Light = Lumière
Light gray = Grisaille
Line = Trait
Line and wash = Lavis sur trait
Liquid mask = Gomme à masquer
Marbled = Marbré
Mark = Trace
Masking = Masquage
Masking liqmuid = Liquide (produit) de masquage
Masking paper = Papier gommé
Masking tape = Adhésif à masquer
middle ground = second plan
Medium = Demi-teinte
Milky = Laiteux
Mist = Brume
Misty = Vaporeux
Mixed media = Techniques mixtes
Modeling = Modelé
Monochromatic = Monochrome
Muddy = Boueux
Natural sponge = Eponge végétale
Negative = Négatif
Ochre = Ocre
Oil = Huile
Oil pastel = Pastel à l'huile
On the spot = Sur le motif
On the spot sketch = Croquis sur le vif
Outdoors = En extérieur
Outline, edge = Contour
Overpaint (to), overlay (to) = Superposer
Paint thinner = White spirit
Parchment paper = Papier sulfurisé
Pattern = Motif
Pearly = Nacré
Pen = Plume (à écrire)
Permanent = Résistant
Phthalocyanine green = Vert phthalocyanine
Pitted = Grenu
Posy, flower arrangement = Bouquet
Prussian blue = Bleu de Prusse
Putty rubber = Gomme mie de pain
Rag paper = Papier torchon
Ragged = Irrégulier
Raw Sienna = Terre de Sienne naturelle
Raw Umber = Terre d'Ombre naturelle
Reconnaissance = Repérage
Reeds = Roseaux
Reflection = Reflet
Reserving = Réserve
Retarding medium = Retardateur
Rice paper = Papier de riz
Rough = Rugueux
Ruler = Règle
Rushes = Joncs
Sable = Martre
Salt = Sel
Sand papering = Ponçage
Sap green = Vert sève
Sawdust = Sciure
Scraping = Grattage
Scribble = Griffonnage
Scumbling = Frottis
Seagull = Mouette
Seascape = Marine
Seep into (to) = Imprégner
Second plan = middle ground
Secondary color = Couleur secondaire
Sgraffito (scratching) = Sgraffite
Shading = Ombrage
Shadow, shade = Ombre
Shaft = Rayon (de soleil)
Shape = Forme
Sketch = Croquis - Esquisse
Sketchbook = Carnet de croquis
Sketching from life = Croquis d'après nature
Slanting = Oblique
Slide = Diapositive
Smooth = Lisse
Soak (to) = Tremper
Soap = Savon
Soft = Doux
Soft = Tendre
Soft edge = Contour adouci
Soft pastel = Pastel tendre
Soften (to) = Adoucir
Spatter = Eclaboussure
Spattering = Projection
Spiky = Effilé
Sponge = Eponge
Spot = Emplacement
Spread (to) = S'étaler
Squall (rain) = Rafale (pluie)
Square end = Bout carré
Squaring up = Mise au carreau
Squiggle = Tortillon
Stamen = Etamine
Stand out (to) = Ressortir
Staple = Agrafe
Stapler = Agrafeuse
Staining color = Tache de couleur
Stem = Tige
Stencilling brush = Brosse à pochoir
Stern = Poupe
Stiff = Raide
Still life = Nature morte
Stippling = Pointillés
Strengthen (to) = Renforcer
Stretch the paper (to) = Tendre le papier
Striation = Strie
Study = Etude
Sunset = Coucher de soleil
Sweet peas = Pois de senteur
Swirl = Tourbillon
Thick = Epais
Thicken (to) = Epaissir
Thin = Fin
Thinned, diluted = Dilué
Toothbrush = Brosse à dents
Thumbnail sketch = Miniature, aperçu
Thumbtack = Punaise
Tip = Pointe (de pinceau)
Titanium white = Blanc de titane
To break up a color = Fragmenter (une couleur)
Tone = Teinte
Toned = Teinté
Toned ground = Fond teinté
Toothpick = Cure-dents
Tracing paper = Papier calque
Transparent = Transparent
Turpentine = Térébenthine
Twig = Brindille
Ultramarine = Outremer
Underdrawing = Dessin préliminaire
Underpainting = Peinture sous-jacente

Value = Valeur
Vanishing point = Point de fuite
Variegated = Bigarré
Varnish = Vernis
Viewpoint = Point de vue
Vivid = Vif
Wash = Lavis, voile
Wash off (a color) (to) = Laver (une couleur)
Watch (to) = Observer
Watercolor = Aquarelle
Watercolor crayons = Crayons aquarellables
Watercolor pastel = Pastel aquarellable
Waterlily = Nénuphar
Watermark = Filigrane
Waterproof = Indélébile
Wax = Cire
Wax resist = Réserve à la cire
Wet = Mouillé
Wet in wet = Mouillé sur mouillé
Wet on dry = Mouillé sur sec
Wing = Aile
Wipe (to) = Essuyer
Wove paper = Papier velin

©masmoulin 2008
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